

I want to stop a running simulation when a certain value of variable is reached. I am using a scheme file with interrupt command. However this is not working. The iterations continue even after the command.

    • SolutionSolution

      User wants to stop the run when a certain value of temperature is reached. Cx-interrupt is not working. Is there any other work around for to stop the solution when a certain value of variable is reached? Solution: In R18.0, FLUENT has a new feature that is convergence conditions. With this option, we can stop the run when a certain variable has reached certain value. The convergence conditions facility allows you to set convergence conditions on the solution that are based on the values from report definitions (surface, volume, lift, drag, and so on). There are two options for declaring convergence using report definitions: 1.The solution is considered to be converged if all of the active report definitions’ criteria are satisfied. 2.The solution is considered to be converged if any of the active report definitions’ criteria is satisfied. 3.Convergence check for the monitors is independent of that for the equation residuals. By default, the solution convergence will happen if either report definition convergence criteria or residuals convergence criteria is satisfied. If you want to rely only on the report definition values to decide convergence, clear the Check Convergence check boxes in the Residual Monitors dialog box. 4.To open the Convergence Conditions dialog box, click the Convergence… button in the Solving ribbon tab (Reports group box). 5.Solving → Reports → Convergence..

      1. 2051177.pdf