

How to define monitor points for dual cell models like NETM (porous non-equilibrium thermal model) in ANSYS Fluent?

    • SolutionSolution

      Most post-processing surfaces in ANSYS Fluent can’t be restricted to certain zones. For most cases this is not a problem because you can use iso-clips afterwards to trim surfaces to certain regions. However, for a dual cell approach like NETM (non-equilibrium thermal model for porous zones), where a fluid and a solid cell zone occupy the same space, it can be necessary to restrict post-processing or monitoring to a specific zone. This is only possible using iso-surfaces. The attached describes the process of creating point-like post-processing surfaces that can be used for monitoring or reporting of results in individual zones. Keywords:ANSYS Fluent; post-processing; post processing; postprocessing; NETM; non-equilibrium thermal model; dual cell; monitor; monitoring; report; reporting; cell zone; region; cell zones; regions; restrict; restriction; limit

      1. 2057003.pdf