

For Ansys 2019R3 and below ICEM CFD was using Ansys Mechanical Enterprise (ansys) license, But once we launch ICEM CFD 2021R2 its asking for CFD Preppost license. How to change the license preference for ICEM CFD 2021 R2

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      Earlier, advanced_meshing used only in 2021 R1 and earlier. When advanced_meshing was not available, Ansys Mechancial Enterprise (ansys) and some other features were used. From 2021 R2, ICEM CFD uses the cfd_preppost license increment by default. But you can change it in the path of ICEM launcher shortcut. Default path is “C:Program FilesANSYS Inc2021R2v212icemcfdwin64_amdbinicemcfd.bat” -p ansys For Ansys Mechancial Enterprise (ansys), I have added ‘-p ansys’ at the end. In place of Ansys Mechancial Enterprise (ansys), we can use other features as well. Here is the list. 1. -p ansys 2. -p mech_2 3. -p mech_1 4. -p preppost 5. -p dyna