

How to evaluate the difference of a local variable to its circumferential averaged value on a Turbo Surface?

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      This can be achieved with the following steps: • Initialize the turbo components • Generate a Turbo Surface: Location > Turbo Surface • Define the Turbo Surface as required, e.g.: o Geometry > Method > Constant Streamwise Location o Color – Variable: Velocity – Circ Average: Length – Max Samples: 100 o Apply • When you click on “…” a new variable named “Velocity LCA on Turbo Surface 1” occurs * • Create an Expression: Insert > Expression > exp1 = Velocity – Velocity LCA on Turbo Surface 1 > Apply • Create a Variable: Insert > Variable > var1 > Expression: exp1 > Apply • Go to the Turbo Surface again o Variable: var1 o Circ Average: None o Apply The difference is now displayed on the turbo surface. * The abbreviation LCA means circumferentail averaging by length: When the Circ. Average setting is set to Length, circumferential averaging of values at a sampling point is carried out internally by forming a circular arc, centered about the turbo axis, passing through the sampling point. Values are interpolated to n equally-spaced locations along the arc, using values from nearby nodes, where n is a number that is inversely proportional to the mesh length scale, and limited by the Max. Samples setting. The n values are then averaged in order to obtain a single, circumferentially-averaged value for the sampling point.