We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


Gathering diagnostic information

    • FAQFAQ

      For Licensing issues, please gather diagnostics for review as mentioned below. Please do this for your Client machine as well as for the Server machine. If they are one in the same, please have them run BOTH sets of instructions below as they will each gather distinct details needed to troubleshoot. CLIENT: 1. Launch the Client ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility as the user experiencing the problem. 2. Click View Status/Diagnostic Options 3. Click Gather Diagnostic Information 4. Select Yes when prompted 5. If you would like to specify the directory of the diagnostic files, select Yes. If not, select No (there will be a pop-up window displaying the location of the diagnostic files once it’s finished gathering the files) 6. Please zip the entire diagnostic directory and attach to your Service Request. Please refer to this Animated Tutorial for assistance with how to obtain the diagnostics on the Client side and for license servers running Version 15 or earlier version of the ANSYS Inc. License Manager. Gathering Client-Side Diagnostics for ANSYS http://youtu.be/9CcJMhtim9Q SERVER: Please follow these steps for gathering the server side diagnostics. 1. Launch ANSYS License Management Center 1.1 For Windows: Click Start>All Programs>ANSYS, Inc. License Manager> ANSYS License Management Center or copy and paste this http://localhost:1084/ to any web browser 1.2 For Linux: Run the start_lmcenter script in ansys_Inc/shared_files/licensing/ directory 2. Click Gather Diagnostic Information 3. Click SAVE TO FILE, the diagnostic folder will be created in the same directory as the “Download Location” set for the web browser that is used to open ANSYS License Management Center. If the web browser displays options between save and open, please save the file. 4. Please attach the file to your Service Request..