

When Workbench LS-DYNA 19.2 to 2019R3 submits MPP LS-DYNA RSM job to Windows HPC 2012 R2 or 2016 cluster, RSM job may finish immediately without generating result files (d3plot), e.g. in RSM job report log: Running Solver : \headnodeAnsys Incv192ansysbinwinx64LSDYNA.exe I=input.k S= input.intfor x=70 -dis -mpi msmpi -np 16 MEMORY= 400M Setting the environment: ANSYS_DIR=\headnodeAnsys Incv192ANSYS Executing mpiexec -np 16 “\headnodeAnsys Incv192ANSYSbinwinx64lsdyna_mpp_sp_msmpi.exe” i=input.k s= input.intfor x=70 memory= 400m Command Exit Code: 0 Upgrade MS MPI to latest version (10.0) doesn’t help. But when RDP to the compute node, and run same command “\headnodeAnsys Incv192ansysbinwinx64LSDYNA.exe I=input.k S= input.intfor x=70 -dis -mpi msmpi -np 16 MEMORY= 400M” in Command Prompt, it starts the MPP DYNA solver and generates result file (d3plot) successfully.

    • FAQFAQ

      Download latest version (11.0.0) of MPP-DYNA executables for MS MPI: Extract the downloaded 2 zip files to a temp folder, rename ls-dyna_mpp_s_R11_0_winx64_ifort131_msmpi.exe to lsdyna_mpp_sp_msmpi.exe ls-dyna_mpp_d_R11_0_winx64_ifort131_msmpi.exe to lsdyna_mpp_dp_msmpi.exe On head node, go to C:Program FilesANSYS Incv192ansysbinwinx64 folder, rename lsdyna_mpp_sp_msmpi.exe to lsdyna_mpp_sp_msmpi.exe.original lsdyna_mpp_dp_msmpi.exe to lsdyna_mpp_dp_msmpi.exe.original l2a.exe to l2a.exe.orginal Copy the new lsdyna_mpp_sp_msmpi.exe, lsdyna_mpp_dp_msmpi.exe and l2a.exe to this folder. Resubmit Workbench LS-DYNA job to Windows HPC through RSM. Note: This solution is tested in 2019R3 as well. If ANSYS license manager is started with -ali_tls_version 1.2 flag in ansysli_server (or ANSYSLI_TLS_VERSION=1.2 in ansyslmd.ini), need to remove it and restart ANSYS license manager. Otherwise, the new MPP LS-DYNA executable gets licensing issue.