

How to run fluent in batch mode on MS DOS?

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      Command to run Fluent in batch mode at a particular time on a windows machine Following command can be used to run Fluent in batch mode in a Windows machine: fluent 3d -i batch.jou -hidden & 3d can be replaced by 2d while running a 2D case. File batch.jou contains all the commands for reading case file, and running it. There is no option for generating an output file. In order to have an output file, a transcript file should be started and then stopped before exiting the Fluent session. To get an output (or transcript) file while running ANSYS Fluent in the background on a Windows system, the journal file must contain the following command to write a transcript file: ; start transcript file /file/start-transcript outputfile.trn In order to run a fluent job at a desired time, then the above command should be saved in a file, with extension .bat, let say file fluenta.bat and use Schedule Tasks option . This can be accessed through, Click on the Start icon, choose Programs–>Accessories–>System Tools–> Scheduled Tasks. From here there is a wizard that will allow you to start this job in the background at a given time. Please see section 4.2 of fluent getting started guide for more details.