We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


How can I copy my Fluent case settings from one case to a different case?

    • FAQFAQ

      It is possible to transfer settings from one case file to another, including boundary conditions, material properties, physical models, solver settings, custom field functions, solution monitors and user-defined surfaces such as lines, points and iso-surfaces. One of two methods can be used. (1) GUI-based method Open the original case file in Fluent, then go to File > Read > Mesh and choose the option “Replace Mesh” (2) Text command-based method This method can be used to transfer information from a 2d case to a 3d case, or when running Fluent in batch mode. Open the original case file in Fluent and type the following at the TUI command prompt: /file/write-settings settingsfile.set Exit Fluent, start a new Fluent session, read the new mesh and then type the following at the TUI command prompt /file/read-settings settingsfile.set Note that “settingsfile.set” is used as the name of the file in this example, but any other valid file name can be used. Additionally, “.set” is used as the file extension because it can be convenient for identifying what the file does, but there is no restriction on the file extension and it is also possible to use a file without an extension if desired to do so. Additional details about settings files can be found in the Fluent documentation, but typical usage requires only the steps described in this FAQ.