

How to define a Monitor via Text User Interface (TUI) from version 17 on?

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      Since version 17 monitors need to be defined via “Reports”. First, you have to define a report with: /solve/report-definitions/add After that you can activate plotting of this report and / or exporting it to a file with: /solve/report-plots/add /solve/report-files/add Example in one line: /solve/report-definitions/add rd-4 surface-vertexavg surface-names point-8 , field vm q /solve/report-plots/add rd-4-plo report-defs rd-4 , q /solve/report-files/add rd-4-file report-defs rd-4 , It defines a report called “rd-4”, which evaluates the vertex average of velocity magnitude on zone “point-8”. It further defines that this report is plotted, and the plot is called “rd-4-plo”. Moreover, it defines that the report is saved in a file, and this export is called “rd-4-file”.