

Tip on exporting geometry in Parasolid, STEP format from DesignModeler

    • FAQFAQ

      When geometry is exported to STEP or Parasolid format from DesignModeler, it exports bodies having geometry type as “DesignModeler”. It first checks whether any active body (unsuppressed body) has geometry type “Workbench” or not. If all active bodies have geometry type as “DesignModeler”, it goes ahead and exports those bodies. If any active body has geometry type “Workbench”, “Conversion” operation is performed in background first, which tries to convert bodies from “Workbench” geometry type to “DesignModeler” geometry type. After this conversion, the geometry then gets exported. Now this conversion operation selects all the bodies including suppressed ones, for conversion. In case if any suppressed or unsuppressed body does not get converted, the conversion operation exits keeping the geometry type of all bodies as it is. And now, only the bodies with geometry type as “DesignModeler” get exported to neutral file format. In order to have all desired bodies exported successfully, first perform conversion operation on those bodies and convert them to “DesignModeler” type. Then export the geometry to required neutral file format. The other option is to perform Body Operation – Simplify on desired bodies which also convert to DesignModeler type, prior to export.