We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


  1. Remove any previous license*.txt license files you downloaded.
  2. Save the license email attachment or download the license file from the Ansys Licensing Portal.
    • By default, your browser may save the file to your Downloads directory. The directions assume you are leaving it in the Downloads directory (%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\license*.txt).
    • For the purpose of these instructions, assume that the file has been renamed to simply license.txt.
  3. Should you choose to save the file to a different directory, please make note of  that new file location so you can replace the text in quotes in the setx commands below with the new file location.
  4. Open a command prompt: press the Windowskey +Rat the same time, enter cmd, and pressOK.
  5. In the command prompt, run the following commands to set appropriate environment variables to point to the license file: 
    • setx ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\license.txt"
    • setx DYNARDO_LICENSE_FILE "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\license.txt" 
    • setx ESTERELD_LICENSE_FILE "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\license.txt" 
  6. Verify that the environment variables set in step 5 point to the file you just downloaded.
  7. Start your Ansys application and verify it starts successfully
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