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zone for cfd post

    • blanca.cerda


      I was reading my results on CFD-Post and i need to use a zone that i defined:

      but in cfd post i only have: 

      I need the zone named "injection" but isnt on cfd post for use and i dont know how to add them. Is there a way to do it without running everything again, is it something that i am missing to do?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      User surfaces (planes, iso-surfaces etc) aren't included in what CFD Post reads. CFD Post only sees the mesh surfaces and cell data. It's generally better to post process in Fluent for most things, and if you need CFD Post you'll need to create those surfaces there. 

    • blanca.cerda



      what do you mean about the mesh surfaces, and user surfaces, whats the difference? because it looks like injection surface wasn’t includes even when I named the surface such like inlet, outlet, axis and wall. 
      You suggest to use Fluent solution, is there a way to calculate the massflow function with this parameter?
      I would prefer to use cfd post, and you suggest to recreate this surface on the cfd post, do you mean something like a new location? i am working with a 2d axisymmetric geaometry, what do you suggest?

      Thanks in advanced



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      A user surface isn't part of the mesh, it's added into Fluent and data is interpolated onto it from the mesh. An interior/wall/inlet etc is part of the mesh as it makes up part of the geometry. 

      User surfaces aren't transferred, so you need to create it where ever you want it. We can use the surface integrals in Fluent to get the mass flow, but if it's a value to want to know before you start the modelling I'd break the domain up to include that surface in the original model. So your domain might contain multiple faces in geometry that are connected to ensure a conformal mesh. 

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