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write particle date in a output file by using example in UDF manual


    • ll00023

      Dear staff,

      I tried to find ways to export different injections's data into one file.

      Define_DPM_output seems available to do this work.

      Now I have dozens of injections. how to specify the code to an injection like inj-100-single?

      I only found the UDF in DPM model. where I can make the pointer in the code point to the injection I want? like tp pointing to the particles from inj-100-single.

      plane here is for 2d case. Mine is 3d, so it is null.

      is the output file name melting_output?

      Thank you.


    • ll00023

      I found where to set the output file. But I still didn't find how to specify certain injection to update scalar.

    • ll00023

      Previously when I encounter the malloc() error, I assume the code update all the particles in the system about 40 million. so I tried to just update a very small number, like 10 particles from certain injection.

    • ll00023

      after I hooked up this udf in a 2d test case, I run the summary, then I got this error.

    • ll00023

      after hook up Define_init, errors number decreasing

    • ll00023


      test initial section:

      #include "udf.h"
          /* if memory for the particle variable titles has not been
          * allocated yet, do it now */
          if (NULLP(user_particle_vars)) Init_User_Particle_Vars();
          /* now set the name and label */
          strcpy(user_particle_vars[0].label,"Melting Index");
          strcpy(user_particle_vars[1].label,"Melting Index 0");

      No error.

      add Define_DPM_scapar_update, 

      /* update the user scalar variables */
          cphase_state_t *c = &(tp->cphase[0]);
          if (initialize)
          /* this is the initialization call, set:
          * TP_USER_REAL(tp,0) contains the melting index, initialize to 0
          * TP_USER_REAL(tp,1) contains the viscosity at the start of a time step*/
          TP_USER_REAL(tp,0) = 0.;
          TP_USER_REAL(tp,1) = c->mu;
          /* use a trapezoidal rule to integrate the melting index */
          TP_USER_REAL(tp,0) += TP_DT(tp) * .5 * (1/TP_USER_REAL(tp,1) + 1/c->mu);
          /* save current fluid viscosity for start of next step */
          TP_USER_REAL(tp,1) = c->mu;

      switch RANS to URANS since this code is for 2D transient case. then 

      Then I got this error.


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