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LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

Workbench LS-Dyna solver severe (157) error

    • Dmytro Fedin


      When I start the solutions in  Workbench LS-Dyna I get the error just after solution initialization and the process stops:

      forrtl: severe (157): Program Exception - access violation
      Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
      lsdyna_sp.exe      00007FF72CC6C9D3  BKSRT4A                 15119  fem3d_a.F
      lsdyna_sp.exe      00007FF7327B2A6E  SLAVE26                 30027  dynpc.F
      lsdyna_sp.exe      00007FF72F71725E  CONTACT                  4442  dyn33.F
      lsdyna_sp.exe      00007FF72CCC4917  FEM3D_CONTACT           37480  fem3d_a.F
      lsdyna_sp.exe      00007FF72CC0BE03  FEM3D                   11649  fem3d.F
      lsdyna_sp.exe      00007FF72CBFF7E3  SOLTN                     431  fem3d.F
      lsdyna_sp.exe      00007FF72CD28E3E  OVERLY                    276  dyn0.F
      lsdyna_sp.exe      00007FF72BB2FC0D  LSDYNA1                   823  dynm.F
      lsdyna_sp.exe      00007FF72BB2F653  MAIN__                   1912  dynm.F
      lsdyna_sp.exe      00007FF73611AE12  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
      lsdyna_sp.exe      00007FF7372B5578  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
      KERNEL32.DLL       00007FFECFD0257D  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
      ntdll.dll          00007FFED0C4AF08  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

      What does this message mean?

      The only concern is that initial penetrations were found after initialization was completed but I don't think it is crucial for the solution.

    • Dmytro Fedin

      UPD: problem solved

      The reason why the error occurs is the incorrect default contact formulation in the Body interaction object. This is solved by using the Contact Properties object to change the formulation to General (AUTOMATIC_GENERAL)

      .... but it took a lot of time to find the solution using the try-and-fail method(

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