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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Workbench geometry converted to .agdb. CAD import error in meshing now

    • Gregory Harrington

      I have a Workbench project with just 2 Nodes. One is a geometry node where I import either a .scdoc file or .dsco file. The other node is a Fluent Watertight meshing node.

      I am able to import the geometry and create a suitable mesh, but once I save the project a copy of the geometry is placed in the .../dp0/Geom-1.adgb file.

      This isn't an issue if I no longer need to make changes to the mesh but if I have to go back to the watertight geometry node and import the mesh again then I get a CAD import error. 

      I am assuming it is because of the .agdb file type that my geometry was created in.

      How do I change a setting so that my geometry file stays either a .scdoc file or .dsco file and isn't converted to a .agdb file?

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      What version you are using? Please use latest 2024R1. 

      Please go through help manual for more details 



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    • Gregory Harrington

      My company doesnt have 2024, I need another solution until they get 2024

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      You can use standalone Fluent Meshing instead of WB. 

      Please go through help manual for more details 



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    • Gregory Harrington

      If i use standalone fluent meshing then when I make a change to my mesh I have to re-do all the setup every time i make a mesh change

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      If boundary zone names are same then you need not redo set up.

      Please go through help manual for more details 



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      Fluids Engineering Courses | Ansys Innovation Courses


    • Gregory Harrington

      Can you help me with the workflow? I am a new Fluent user. What would the workflow be?

      1. Create mesh in Watertight mesher -> Save case file.
      2. Open Solver -> Load Solver case file that has previously defined setup with boundary conditions, reports, scenes etc
      3. Import watertight mesher case file?
    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      You can use Replace Mesh option. 

      Please go through help manual for more details 



      How to access Ansys Online Help Document

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