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Workbench DOE Update Geometry for each Parameter individually

    • cfdasdf


      as the title suggests, I have a DOE automatically generated by Ansys WB in order to do a correlation analysis.

      For this DOE, multiple parameters are changed for each DP. My problem is, that for some cases, my geometry can not be created (due to too many Parameter being changed at once hence leading to a faulty geometry --> the geometry is imported with CADNexus from Catia).

      My question is, whether it is possible to update the Geometry for each DP not with all Parameters changing at once, but iteratively for only one Parameter.



    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      I think it should be possible. Did you see any issues with the same?


      Ashish Khemka

    • cfdasdf


      when I update a Design Point, all parameters are updated as once. I don't see any possibility/option to update just one parameter at a time for a respective design point.

      A very time inefficient solution would be to create a new Design Point for each parameter. This would lead to far more Design Points being created than actually required.


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