General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Why do the mesh stats show 6 nodes here instead of 3? (Truss Elements)

    • markh748


      New Ansys user here but I have lots of experience with writing my own FE code and other software.

      I am running a simple model with just 3 truss elements to compare with my hand calculations. I am using linear elements and all three elements connect in a triangle so I have 3 elements and 3 nodes as illustrated here

    • BenjaminStarling

      The "preview" of the elements is the same as the cross section you have defined. If it is bigger than you expect, you should check your units and cross section definition.
      There are three nodes for linear line elements in Ansys. The third node is used to define the orientation of the cross section. Quadratic line elements therefore have 4 nodes. The extra node takes no extra part in the solution.
      Under the solution folder there is an option "Beam Section Results". Set this to "Yes". This is just an ease of life feature, if you have mixed element types in a large model, results on beams can be annoying and get in the way. They are also not very accurate with regard to strain and stress.
    • markh748
      Thanks Benjamin. Completely understood now. Much appreciated!
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