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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Why can’t spaceclim draw oil films?

    • 2627971244


      It always seems to be a problem at both ends,I noticed that the point of the block is not in the correct place, how can I change it?

      the mesh out of the body

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      How thick is the film? 

      • 2627971244

        oh it is 20 µm

        • NickFL

          I am not sure exactly what you are trying to accomplish here, but I will say that SpaceClaim, like most CAD software, does not really like those thin dimensions. Under such circumstances I typically create the model 1000x bigger than it needs to be (so mm become m and µm become mm). After bringing into Fluent, I then simply scale the model down to the appropriate size. (I won't lie, sometimes I forget to scale and the results are utter ridiculous. Doh!)

        • 2627971244

          yes maybe you are right bro,i want to do a Hydrostatic bearings,so thin oil film is necessary,The size that is too large does not match the reality lol,maybe i can do it by other methods.

        • NickFL

          Yes you would create your mesh in the larger scale, and then scale it in Fluent. This can be done using the Task Page->Scale... (where you check the mesh and stuff) or via the TUI, for example: /mesh/scale 0.001 0.001 0.001 where 0.001 is used to scale it from meters back into mm. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Another consideration will be mesh count. If you want to resolve the oil film you need to mesh to that scale too: 20microns is towards the lower end of what's sensible and means you're going to have cells at 1-2micron scale. Can you afford that level of refinement? 

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