General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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which type of connection needs to be done for a PZT patch bonded to a beam.

    • sriparna.2021rce15

      I have modelled a beam of size 100mm x 100mm x 500mm. On the top surface of beam 2 PZT patch needs to be bonded. Which type of connection should I provide and how to mesh the whole body (beam and PZT sensor). As in current scenario on meshing, I am getting an error shown below.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      Use coupled field modal for pzt + structure - I would avoid contact also .

      See and search the help manual for an example: 

      Chapter 39: Wire Bonding Ultrasonic Transducer


      All the best


    • sriparna.2021rce15

      I am not able to understand from this manual. 

      Are you suggesting that I should avoid connection?

      Please help me with the meshing


    • sriparna.2021rce15

      I cannot access this manual "Wire Bonding Ultrasonic Transducer"

      It would be great if you could help me in meshing of this body and then extracting the conductance signature from the sensor and the voltage vs time/freq graph.

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