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Where is the Electrolyte Projected Area in the Reports tab of PEMFC Model?

    • rodrigomkerber98
      Hello there!
      I was using the Fuel Cell and Electrolysis Model to obtain results of a PEMFC in Ansys Fluent, but I decided to try the PEMFC Model because of the Inlet Condition Calculator, which facilitates my work. Additionally, it is a new and recommended model, as stated in the Fluent User's Guide, and offers more options for further improving my model, I believe.
      However, I couldn't find the option to configure the Electrolyte Projected Area in the Reports tab, as it was supposed to be there. Can someone help me with this issue? I am using Fluent 2024 R1. It seems this option was available in earlier versions of Fluent, like 2020 R1 or so. I believe it is an important detail to configure as it directly influences the calculated current density.
      Thanks in advance!
    • John Ibrahim
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Rodrigo,

      In the new model it is automatically calculated.  In the old one, this aspect was not improved due to its limited use, however, now we see a revived interest in this module due to its ability to cover the high temperature PEMFC and the resolved SOEC/SOFC.



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