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What’s the exact definition of Field variables in Fluent ?

    • Dato


      I'm trying to extract some field variables in Fluent. But I'm confused by so many different variables in same category. 

      I want to know something about heat transfer coefficient. Which should I choose? What's the differences between them? Are there any  illustration of those variables definitions? I couldn't find it in Fluent User Guides.

      Additionally, I want to know how Fluent calculate the "Net" value showing above and it's obviously not arithmetic mean. 

      Any of your suggestions would do me a great favor.



    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      The "Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient" is calculated with "wall temperature", "total surface heat flux" and a "reference temperature". This reference temperature is a global value used on all faces. The accuracy of the surface htc (heat transfer coefficient) depends on the accuracy of the simulation and this reference or bulk temperature.

      The "Wall Func. Heat Tran. Coef." depends on the local solution of the flow field in a cell next to a wall. It is completely independent of the surface heat flux. Therefore it exists also for adiabatic walls.

      The "Net" is calculated based on area weighted average.

      • Dato

        Thanks, SRP.

        I want to know more details about those field variables definition in Fluent. Are there any user manual talking about it? I couldn't it in Fluent User Guide and Theory Manual.

        Appreciate it.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator


      • Dato


        I couldn't log in this website using my ansys account. The page shows like that.

        Are there any other access to the document? Could you upload PDF here?


    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      Can you please check previous forum comment, this might help you: Using Help with links (ansys.com)

      • Dato

        Thanks. I have figured it out.

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