General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

what is difference between Segment and Element

    • YOON

      I hear that pressure involves creating a virtual segment and then applying a load to it.

      please tell me why create virtual segment and what is the difference between applying a load to a segment and applying a load to an element?

    • Rahul Kumbhar
      Ansys Employee


      Hi Jihee yoon,

      It appears you are looking for applying Pressure by ‘surface effect’ and ‘Direct’ option.

      Using ‘Surface effect’ option creates overlapping surf152/153 elements on the faces/edges and pressure is applied on it. The ‘Direct’ option applies the pressure directly on the solid/shell elements. They should produce similar result for a load. If you have multiple loads with direct option, then only last applied load is considered. But if you apply multiple loads with surface effect option, the resultant pressure will act on the structure.



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