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WB import entire Nastran model .bdf

    • janot.lubritz

      Hey guys,


      I am trying to import a complete Nastran model into Ansys Workbench (2022.R1 on Windows 10) but whenever I use the import option (or the external model component) it does import the geometry, the mesh and the materials but it does not import all BC correctly (f.e. RBE3 elements and constraints or loads). Is there a different way to import .bdf files or do I have to set certain options so that it imports everything? 

      Maybe somebody tried that before and has a hint for me. Thanks in advance!

    • Saumadeep Choudhury
      Forum Moderator


      Hi Janot,

      We can read Nastran files into Mechanical using External Model, but we no longer export Nastran files. We import the Nastran bulk data deck in Mechanical (via External Model) but do not export it.

      Please refer to this Ansys knowledge material: How to write Nastran bulk data deck (bdf)? – Ansys Knowledge

      Also to know more about how to import Nastran files to Ansys workbench, please search for “Taking NASTRAN Input Files Into ANSYS Mechanical via External Model in ANSYS” in Google. Relevant links will show up which contain all the information that you seek.



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      • janot.lubritz

        Hey Saumadeep,


        thanks for the response! I know that Nastran Import files (like .bdf files) can be imported with the External Model but my problem is that it does not import the boundary conditions correctly (forces and constraints). It does import the geometry, the mesh and material data but not the composite layup or the boundary conditions. I did not find any relevant information on google or the ansys workbench help which is why I posted my problem here. Maybe somebody knows what I am doing wrong or if it is not possible to import everything.


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