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Warning:100.0000% of the total discrete phase mass

    • Nick Fan

      Hello, I am currently conducting a simulation with the following parameters: the injection type is volume, the total mass is 79,789.55 mg, and the total particle count is 40,000. The particles are released using a constant-mass method, with each particle having a mass of 1.9947 mg, and the release occurs in a single instance. I am using a time step of 0.05 for the simulation. The run calculation settings are as follows:

      During the simulation, I received the following warning: 

      I am unsure how to address this issue and would appreciate any suggestions or advice on resolving it.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What happens if you decrease the time step or increase the max steps in the DPM panel?

      • Nick Fan

        Thanks for your reply, Rob. Do you mean that increase the maximum steps in the DPM panel is here?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Yes, but 5000 steps in transient is usually enough. However, with a time step of 0.05s how far would you expect the particles to travel (in terms of cells traversed)? I'd also tend to use High-Res tracking, but that's default in the last few versions so you may want to update the install too. 

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