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Wall Shear Stress – Updated Macro or Assistance with Steps


    • lgober

      Hello, non-programmer, non-computer scientist question here.

      I am using Ensight to study blood flow in aortic pathologies and am hoping to calculate the wall shear stress at different locations. I'm looking for an updated macro for wall shear stress for Ensight 2022 (or 2020) as the only video I can find is in Ensight 9.2 from many years ago (https://customer.ansys.com/s/article/Solution-2055539).

      I had been obtaining the gradient of the velocity and then computing the fluid shear stress from that but am unsure if I am calculating what I think I am calculating.

      Any help would be appreciated.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That data should exist in the CFD solver so I'd find that data there. 

    • lgober

      Could you direct me there? I'm unfamiliar. Thank you. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Assuming it's Fluent look in the Wall Fluxes part of the contours panel. 

    • lgober

      Just hoping to bump this and ask for more assistance. I am now able to calculate WSS using BL_TauWall but am just hoping to double check my protocol and ensure I am calculating what I think I am calculating. Anyone do something similar?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Staff won't be able to offer much advice, but if you post a new thread with details the wider community may contribute. 

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