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Velocity Contour/Profile Results : node value vs boundary value

    • selvarsn

      Hi, have a wing aerodynamic analysis being carried out in Fluent. Once the convergence criteria are met, to view the solution on the wing surface, the boundary values option has to be disabled. Thus leaving only the node value active to visualize the velocity contours. This workaround is effective, but to extract surface data plots in CFD-post this approach runs into no data on the surface and hence no plot. This issue seems to be the case with the Velocity Magnitude metric, as I was able to pull the surface data for looking at the pressure profile.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      What is the velocity at the surface? Think fluid mechanics and boundary flow profiles, leave the CFD part to one side for the moment.
    • selvarsn
      That's a fair point with zero-velocity/stagnant air at the boundaries. Agree, but then again how would one go about looking at the velocity distribution/profile adjacent to the airfoil section? Because in CFD-post I cant see a toggle switch for node values to extract this plot.
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      The cell value is with node values off and that surface selected. Not sure about CFD Post as I always use Fluent for post processing.
    • selvarsn
      Is it possible to plot the surface velocity profile in Fluent? If so, how would you recommend doing that?
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      In Fluent plot with node values off on the surface. Assuming your mesh is fine enough you'll see the near wall cell value.
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