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varFDTD license error


    • sharonde


      When I try to run a varFDTD file I get the next error:

      License error: The license settings have not been configured

      The flexNet error

      code is: 9999, which corresponds to the error:

      Unknown flex


      Please see Troubleshooting" rel="nofollow">>Troubleshooting

      guide for help resolving this issue.

      Error: there was a failure with the license. Process number: 0 had this error


      attached the lisnese server image - Feature: varfdtd_engine

      Here’s the code i run on ther server:



      #PBS -N AWG

      #PSB -k o

      #PBS -q zeus_all_q

      #PBS -m abe

      #PBS -j oe

      #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=6,walltime=30:00







      cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR

      module load lumerical

      echo "Strating run at: `date`"

      /usr/local/lumerical-2021R1/mpich2/nemesis/bin/mpiexec -n 8 $MY_PROG -t 1 ./${INPUT}

      echo "Job is finished at: `date`"


      How do I solve this problem?

    • Lito
      Ansys Employee
      Sorry we cannot open attachments. Can you copy and paste the license status and usage information or the license manager logs showing the checkout error? Ensure that you are accessing the license server with the Lumerical licenses. See this article on how to obtain a license.
    • sharonde
      it says:
      varfdtd_engine version 1.0 Inuse (available) 0(15) Expration 24-12-2021
    • Lito
      Ansys Employee
      From the error message, it seems that Lumerical is not configured to obtain the license from your license server.
      License error: The license settings have not been configured
      Configure Lumerical to obtain the license from your license server which contains the (15) "varfdtd_engine" licenses. See this article on how to configure your license on a machine without CAD/GUI using the License.ini file for 2021R1. Your License.ini file should look like this:

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