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Vapor Quality

    • samiasadaf_uetian

      Hi Ansys Learning Forum,

      I am simulating water flow boiling through microchannel on Ansys Fluent using VOF model.

      I need to calculate vapor quality using x= h-hl/hfg

      where h= Specific enthalpy of mixture at measured point

      hl=Specific ethalpy of saturated water i.e. 419KJ/kg

      hfg=Specific ethalpy of vaporization=hg-hl=2676-419=2257 KJ/Kg 

      where hg=Specic enthalpy of saturated vapor

      Now the mass average enthalpy of mixture I take from fluent post CFD at any point is -15551372 J/kg .Now how can I use this value to calculate vapor quality,since it is not giving me vapor quality value ranging between 0 and 1.

      Please help


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What is your definition of vapour quality? 



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