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using SOFC unresolved model in Fluent, enable CO electrochemistry


    • jingjing Liang

      Hello, I am using the addon model 4, unresolved SOFC model and I enable the CO electrochemistry, I assume that the current is allocated between H2 and CO, the total current is I_tot, and current for H2 is α*I_tot,current for CO is (1-α)*I_tot

      actually i want to define my own current split factor of alpha; and I wonder that when calculating the activation overpotential of the cell using H2-H2O, it is using I_tot or α*I_tot?as I do not see a notification in the constit.c document when calculating activation overpotential; 

    • John Ibrahim
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Jingjing,

      Here how you can edit the split factor

      When CO is not present, then \alpha is not needed, or you can think \alpha is 1.0




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