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User defined result with the PNUMMAT expression

    • helen.durand


      In a transient thermal and transient structural simulation, I am using APDL command objects to change material types (using the MPCHG command). I want to display the element material assignments during the solution by creating a user defined result.

      I tried to do this using the expression PNUMMAT (which displays element material numbers); however, the displayed results seem to only show the material assignments from the prep phase, and any changes to the material assignments that I am making during the solution phase are not displayed.

      Is this a limitation of the PNUMMAT expression, or could this be a sign that material types are not getting changed during the solution phase?

      Thank you


    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee

      This is probably a limitation of PNUMMAT that it only shows material assignment done under /prep7

      Can you use /PREP7, change the material and go back to /SOLU?

      Another way to check material assignmnt is by selecting the "solution" branch, go to "Worksheet" and show "Material and Element Type information"



    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee

      You can also check the "solution information" for the feedback from the MPCHG command

      For example, I used these commands


      I got the following feedback in solution information:

      SELECT      COMPONENT BODY1                          




    • helen.durand

      Thank you for the reply! 

      Looking at the worksheet in my simulation, I still only see the element assignments from the prep phase.

      I used the ELIST,ALL command to verify that some elements are being changed at every loadstep (I put the command at the beginning of the APDL command object that is set to run at the start of every loadstep in the solution phase).

      For example,  at the start of loadstep 1, the printout is this (all elements are assigned material type 50 during the prep phase):

      At the start of loadstep 2 (elements 1 and 2 were assignd material type 30):

      At the start of loadstep 3 (elements 3 and 4 were assigned material type 30):

      However, when I look at the worksheet I do not see any mention of materialtype 30:

      The issue has been that calling ELIST,ALL at every loadstep for a reasonably large geometry makes the solution file extremely long, and it is difficut to assess whether the element numbers are being assigned correctly.

    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee

      Consider using prep7 if possible







      Or if the ETLIST is sufficient, select 1 element or few elements and write the output instead of writing it for full model 


      Or you can redirect the feedback from MPCHG command to a separate text file using /output



      Material number is not a result. So the historical change in mat number is probably not saved in the rst file. 




    • helen.durand

      Those sound like good options. Thank you for your help!

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