TAGGED: #fluent-#ansys, #fluent-#cfd-#ansys, fluent
May 22, 2023 at 1:53 pm
abdur raheem adam
I am doing a simulation for MSDM battery, i followed all the steps from equations, material, assigning material, boundary condition, residuals and calculation. when i run the calculation it says "user define stop conditions reached" and the flow time its stop was at 2. i also tried on another laptop but this time the flow time was 3. so i did some research on this error and i tried everything still i have the same error "user define stop conditions reached". how can i solve this "user define stop conditions reached" error?
I am very sure my convergence criterion are none, solver method at simple.
thank you for the assistance.
May 31, 2023 at 12:29 pm
Murari Iyengar
Ansys EmployeeHi,
This issue is most likely due to an incorrect setup. Kindly review the case set up thoroughly, especially boundary condition input
values. Here is an example. The run is set for 3500sec but it stops after 20sec. You find out that the max stop voltage has to be 4.2volts, but in the case set up, under solution options, you've set it as 3.6volts. Since the max voltage has already been reached at 3.6Volts, Fluent calculations will stop. -
May 31, 2023 at 12:44 pm
abdur raheem adam
Subscriberyes, also i didnt mention that my reference capacity is 50ah... the problem is more on discharge parameter i believe? i am using ANSYS 2023 R1, i dont get the no soc curve for temperature in the parameter estimation. i have data for 1c, 2c and 3c, i uploaded it and some of the datas are okay others in y coefficient its says "check the input value"
June 18, 2023 at 6:53 pm
SubscriberHello folks....Greetings of the day!!!!!
I am facing a similar issue while modeling a 3.2V 6ah battery cell using ntgk model, for which the maximum and minium cutoff voltages are 3.65V and 2.5V, respectively. I tried to run the simulation for 4000 seconds, but it stopped after just 40 seconds with similar message "user define stop conditions reached". kindly guide me....looking for the helpful responses....
Thanks in advance!!!!
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