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Update your profile and start earning badges!

    • pgl
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Everyone, 

      We are approaching 500 members on the forum. Thanks very much for registering and helping to grow our community of student users. 

      You may have seen the "Badges" menu at the top of the forum?  You can earn badges by updating your profile with a photo, and by answering questions and voting on posts and replies: 

      By participating in voting you help others as good stuff gets promoted and not so good stuff gets pushed down. 

      Try answering a few questions also. This activity helps boost your own ranking, and I'm going to throw out a reward to the first community user (non ANSYS affiliated user) who reaches 100  points on our Leaderboard. The prize will be something from our  Academic Logo Store:


      If someone gets to 500 or 1000 points I'll up the game on the prize. These users will receive some ANSYS Academic Research software for their Professor/school/department. 

    • vganore
      Ansys Employee

      Friends, note that following users are from ANSYS. They are not part of this game. Look at the leaderboard for your position. 

    • pgl
      Ansys Employee

      We have our first winner: peteroznewman was our first participant to pass the 100 point milestone, and he's now exceeded 1000 points! Congratulations and thanks for your continued, valuable contributions. :-)

      Here's Peter in his new ANSYS jacket from our Academic Program logo store:


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