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Update failed for the Solution component in Fluid Flow (Polyflow)

    • sebastianhao11

      I am encountering with the error message "Update failed for the Solution component in Fluid Flow (Polyflow). Value was either too large or too small for an Int32". The file I am working on, which I had been playing around with, was functioning fine and had converged until last week. Notably (though I could be wrong), the issue seemed to occur after a Windows update. I can no longer modify any parameters and run the simulation/update the solution without bypassing this error message, no matter how insignificant or what kind of modifications they are. I worked on another problem from scratch, but it was still to no avail. I also tried tutorial problems, but the same issue occurred. Please help. Any help would be greatly appreciated. #question

    • sebastianhao11

      I am using student version (2024R2).

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