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General Mechanical

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Update failed for the Model component in Transient Structural

    • bxddstl
    • Karthik Remella
      Hello It is hard for me to comment on this. Can you list out all the local controls you have added? A quick test would be to see if you are able to mesh the geometry using a larger size?
      Perhaps, you require some additional local controls in the regions of interest and everywhere else, you can have a relatively larger mesh size?
      Are you doing this on the student product?
    • bxddstl
      Sir ,I uesd the mesh sizing of 500m(my model is 2000 m),but i still failed ,so i do not know what is wrong.
      And you tell me to show me all the local controls,what is local control?Do you want me to tell you all the the boundary conditions(like fixed support)?
    • Karthik Remella
      All the additional controls you add under the 'Mesh' - face sizing, edge sizing, body sizing etc. are the local controls. Because of your language settings, I'm unable to understand the settings you are using.
      Could you either translate or switch the language to English so I'm able to understand what you are attempting to do?
      Also, could you please share a screenshot of your geometry?
    • bxddstl
      Sir´╝î i think i know wahat the problem is. It is because of the mesh have some problems.This time I made a very simple model: a cylinder with a radius of 5cm and a length of 100 meters. I chose the default mesh size (24 meters). When I clicked "Generate Mesh", an error occurred, prompting me:A boundary condition, load, or named selection has been scoped to topology that is not fully captured by the mesh. The affected bodies will be Remeshed, so I want to ask you, is this because my mesh size is too large?How can I solve this problem?
      Can you help me?
      Thank you .
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