TAGGED: cyclic-symmetry, unknown-error
November 1, 2021 at 12:50 pm
SubscriberHi, I'm doing a simulation on a bolted flange under thermal and structural loads. In order to save resources, I've only modeled a 1/8 section of the flange and added a cyclic symmetry region. Previous tries of doing this were fine and the solution could run, but recently when I try to run the static structural portion, the solver returned with an unkown error. Checking the solution information showed this:
November 1, 2021 at 1:28 pmSSURA
Ansys Employee
Cyclic symmetry allows user to model a sector but obtain non-symmetric response for entire structure, thus the node limit for the structure needs to be satisfied. i.e. on expanding the solution for your problem, the node limit of the academic version has exceeded. You may try going for a bigger sector (1/6th or 1/4th) with same number of elements or edit the mesh accordingly for current using some of the methods mentioned in the following resources to get the number of elements/nodes in the limit. Also contacts add a virtual node, thus there is a possibility to go over the limit for complex models with lower node counts.
Cyclic Region Overview (ansys.com)
Mesh (ansys.com)
Problem size limits are
Structural Physics: 128K nodes/elements
Fluid physics: 512K cells/nodes
LS-DYNA: 128K nodes/elements
Electromagnetics: N/A
Please check the following link for new version-Ansys Student Versions | Free Student Software Downloads
Thanks Sahil
November 1, 2021 at 1:59 pmErik Kostson
Ansys Employeeand
Since you use 2020 R2 there is a 32k node limit, but the newer versions (2021 R2) has as we said above, a higher node limit 128k.
All the best
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