We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.
Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

unexpected license problem; exiting. hit return to exit.


    • amrishsekar

      Hi guys my name is Amrish I have been using Free Student Ansys 2024R2 for the past few weeks making projects and doing CFD find results and contour. Everything was working and then when I wanted to show my mentor my CFD results it said the following code in the console of the FLUENT application:
      connected license server list: unexpected license problem; exiting. hit return to exit.

      After this error I wasn't able to open any type of Application to work on for Ansys. Note that I have been using Ansys perfectly fine for the past few weeks

      So I tried to resolve this problem by going on Ansys forums and copying their solutions.
      1) I tried reinstalling the software
      2) I tried installing and configuring/ configuring the system
      3) I tried to locate the student.lic file in my Ansys.Inc but was not able to so I tried downloading again so I can download with the licence but no success.
      4) I tried downloading an older software of Ansys (Ansys Student R1, I was using R2), yet no change it was the same error.

      I hope forum can help me with my error and I can send any screenshots, anything required to resolve the issue

      Thank you!

    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Amrishsekar,

      Can you try below steps:
      Goto start menu type %appdata% and hit enter, rename the Ansys folder to Ansys.old.(to reset configuration)
      Goto start menu type %temp% and hit enter, rename the .ansys folder to .ansys.old.(to clear cache)
      Goto "C:\Users\YourUserName", rename the .fluentconf and .cfx folder to .fluentconf.old and .cfx.old.(to clear cache related to fluent)

      Launch the Ansys application to check if it's working.

    • amrishsekar

      Hi thank you for the response I have done the following steps and I still have the same issue. Is there any other way

    • amrishsekar

      I am not able to open any of the systems like SpaceClaim for example none of the features work

    • amrishsekar

    • kjh4687

      I had the same problem, and finally solved this problem.

      1. Open Ansys Licensing Settings:

      • Navigate to FlexNet Publisher > License Servers.
      • Note down the port and server1.
      • Use these values to port and license in the command below.

      2. Open the CMD.(Note that the application must be run with Administrator privileges.)

      • In the command prompt, enter the following command:

      setx ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE port@license

      • Press Enter.

      3. Launch the ANSYS program that encountered the issue.




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