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Unable to set mass-flow outlet while using DDPM

    • S A



      I am trying to run a Eulerian DDPM, however, in the boundary conditions, I would like to set an outlet using mass-flow outlet, but I keep getting a message that this type of outlet is not possible while using DDPM.


      May I please ask why and if there is an alternative way to do that? the outlet is an important parameter in the simulation.


      Thank you very much!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      DDPM uses the Eulerian Multiphase model and that means no mass flow outlet. What level of volume loading have you got as DPM may be sufficient?

      • S A

        Hi Rob!


        Thank you for your reply!


        I'm doing a fume hood simulation within a room. Theres a duct inlet, duct outlet for the room and a fume hood outlet. I'm trying to siumulate air and particles, so I am using Eulerian, DDPM, with 1 Eulerian phase and 1 discrete phase.


        Thank you!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you're pushing over about 12% volume of particles out of a fume cupboard you have a much more serious problem with whatever you're playing with! I've only ever used DPM for fume cupboards, so I'd review your choices to make sure you REALLY need DDPM. 

      • S A

        Thank you Rob!


        The plan was to use DPM but I am unable to add a discrete phase unless I enable DDPM.


        How may I use particles in fume hoods using DPM, if I may ask you, please?



        Thank you so much!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      The word you're looking for is "Injection". You inject particles from somewhere (often an inlet but other options exist) which then follow and maybe influence the flow. 

      • S A

        Thank you Rob!

        That is what I thought but I wasn't sure I can do that while Eulerian was disabled.


        Thank you very much for your time and help!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Eulerian isn't DPM but the DDPM model uses elements of both. I tend to use one or other of Eulerian or DPM, it's rare that I'd use DDPM. 

      • S A

        Thank you for all your help!

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