

Topics related to HFSS, Maxwell, SIwave, Icepak, Electronics Enterprise and more.

Unable to Plot Radiation Pattern or Fields (Both remain greyed out)

    • Muhammad Hamza


      I am unable to plot radiation patterns in HFSS even after the simulation has finished.

      I have also checked saved fields:

    • Jason.k
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Muhammad, 

      Thank you for reaching out to Ansys Learning Forum. 

      Unfortunatelly, the screenshot does not provide sufficient information for a broaden image of the issue you are facing. It could be very helpfull if you could upload an image showing the message manager window and its messages as well as describing the settings that you used in the reported window.

      In general, by selecting "Save Fields" indeed, far field post processing reports will be able to be plotted. Please, make sure that you choose the desired Far Field Observation Domain (Geometry selection in the Reporter Window). 

      Kind regards, 


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