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Unable to Insert Additional Mesh Features

    • Esteban Moreno
      I am using ANSYS 2024 R1 for students and I am trying to edit the mesh on a simple 2d surface I made using design modeler. For some reason, I am unable to insert any additional features to the mesh, such as sizings, methods, face meshing, etc... When I try to add the feature, I click the button such as Insert -> Inflation but nothing happens after I click the buttons. Any tips?
    • CFD_Friend
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Esteban,

      Does this happen with only one case or it happens with any random geometry?

      • Esteban Moreno

        It seems to happen with any geometry, but I have only tested it with two projects I have. It is relatively simple geometry consisting of a 3d sphere sorrounded by a cylindrical domain, and a case where I tried recreating it in 2d

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