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3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Unable to import spaceclaim model onto workbench

    • Daniel Sunath



      I am trying to import a scdoc file onto workbencha nd it throws up an error of "unsupported or unconfigured geometry type.". Am i missing something?

      Please assist.

      Thanks in advance..


    • Sampat Kumar
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Daniel,
      It appears that the unsupported file is the cause of the issue. Could you use SpaceClaim to open this geometry file? If so, save it to a scdoc file and open it in the WB later. Would you kindly provide further information regarding the file's issue? How and where did you import into the WB? 


    • Asumile Silas Mwakibinga

      Hello, I am having a similar issue with scdoc files. I have successfully created scdoc files in SpaceClaim from stl files. The problem comes when I try to open the scdoc files in Discovery. Each one gives an "error loading file" even though there were created in SpaceClaim and can be opened in SpaceClaim without any problem. Please could you assist in this matter?


      • Sampat Kumar
        Ansys Employee

        Hi Asumile,
        Please see the following Ansys forum thread and let me know if it solved your problem or not. 


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