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Unable to connect the server during activation

    • Siyi

      When I try to activate the evaluation code (trial license), I input the activation code by using the online mode, but it shows a pop-up window that the activation failed "Unable to connect to the activation server. Please check your connection settings."

      Does anyone know how to fix it?

    • Lito
      Ansys Employee
      Trial license requires an Internet connection. Ensure that you are connected to the Internet and if you are using a proxy server check your settings. Otherwise, connect to the Internet directly not through your organization's network.

    • Siyi
      Hi thanks for your reply, but the problem still exists.
      Since I am using a desktop at my university. I plugged out the internet cable then I tried to connect via wireless by using my cellphone's hotspot. But the problem is still there, showing unable to connect to the server. But there is no problem with my internet connection. Is it possible that there is a problem with the code?
      Thanks Siyi
    • Lito
      Ansys Employee
      Based on your account, you have the trial license for the following products/solvers: MODE, Multiphysics, INTERCONNECT, and FDTD. We tested the activation code and there are no issues. Try to activate the license on a different machine, i.e your personal laptop. Your university desktop might not allow connecting or communicating with our license activation servers.
    • Siyi
      Thanks. Do you know if Lumerical supports OS system, since my personal laptop is Macbook Air? But I could not find the download version for OS.
    • Lito
      Ansys Employee
      You can download the MacOS version from the Lumerical Downloads page. The Node-locked trial license will work on MacOS.
    • Siyi
      Thanks. It works on my personal MacOS.
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