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Unable to checkout the license

    • MahdiK
      Hi I have a problem with opening the CFD-Post , I┬┤m using Ansys 2022 R1 and I got a msg : unable to checkout the license (I can use cfx-pre , solver also the mesh and the geometry but I can┬┤t see the results in cfd post )
      Please if anyone can help me because I need it for my thesis , just to inform , before this time I could open the cfd post and see all the results but I don┬┤t know what happend today .
    • System
      This discussion was created from comments split from: ANSYS Academic Research CFD license not working.
    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
      Are you using the free Student version or Full academic version?
      Under %TEMP%\.ansys, you will see *.out files. Type in %TEMP%\.ansys in address line of Windows File Explorer

      There should exist one for CFD-POST. can you check that file with Notepad and post any errors that it contains?
    • MahdiK
      Hi thank you for your response , I┬┤m using the student version 2022 R1 , I tryed to follow your instructions , but to be honest I didn┬┤t understand much but the %TEMP%\.ansys file I find it , what should I do next ?
    • MahdiK
      hi again , not sure that I got it , but I searched for file cfdpost in Temp and I found it empty (if that what you mean
    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
      Hello My apologies....
      it would have a .out extension on it.
      Please paste the contents as we are not permitted to open any files.

    • MahdiK
      hi , I found this file "licebug...post221.out" and I wasn┬┤t sure but I copy it and than I paste it in this cfdpost file and it work , thank you my friend
    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
      You are quite welcome!
    • Ismail Beyaz

      I have a similar issue. In this case, my CFD-Post tells me that it is unable to check the license. I went to the temp folder and found this:

      I can't find CFD-Post. For reference, I have the student version.

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