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Unable to Change Plane Wave Geometry

    • aashah28

      I am using Lumerical 2024 R1.3 and have set up a simple model and am attempting to send a plane wave towards it, starting from some zheight above the model. However, every time I try to change the geometry by clicking Edit Source --> Geometry --> Apply, the settings automatically default back to zero and will not save my new inputs. I tried changing the plane wave geometry using a script, but that also did not work. Does anybody have suggestions for how to change the geometry and get around what seems to be a new bug in this version?

    • acb20

      Same problem here with Lumerical 2024 R2.1. You can move it by clicking on the object and dragging it, but I don't know a way to do it precisely

    • acb20

      OK, one workaround is that you can make a new group that contains just the planewave, and then do relative movements to the group to get precise changes. Hopefully the default size is big enough, I don't know a way to change that.

    • aashah28

      I found another workaround. You install a Gaussian source, and then edit the geometry in the Gaussian source. When you're ready to move to a simulation, change the source shape to a plane wave and the geometry will persist. 

    • acb20

      Oh that's much nicer, thank you

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      This happens for the specific version. Please download and install the newest version and it should work as expected. 

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