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UDF mass diffusivity for multicomponent Dij

    • Chananun

      Hi, everyone

      I need to write the UDF for my multicomponent diffusivity (Dij) because my mass diffusivity is not only depend on temperature, so I used DEFINE_DIFFUSIVITY(myudf,c,t,i) . My multicomponent includes 4 species My question is:

      1. How to define the mass diffusivity of Dij ? I used if (i==0) , if(i==1), if(i==2), else to define i index . How about j ? Or do I need to use array to define Dij? For example



    • Surya Deb
      Ansys Employee
      If I understand it correctly, then you can use the macro C_DIFF_L(c,t,i,j) to define the laminar species binary diffusivity.
      Regards SD
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