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UDF for mass flux input as a function of heat flux

    • 194106015

      Below is the UDF i am using. I am getting same heat flux at al the faces  but which is not the case. Pls help in this regard

      #include "udf.h"

      DEFINE_PROFILE(mass_flux_AP, t, i)
          face_t f;
          real NV_VEC(farea);
          real mflux_ap;
          real area_ap;
          real heat_ap;
          real heat_flux_ap;

          begin_f_loop(f, t)
              F_AREA(farea, f, t);              
              area_ap = NV_MAG(farea);              
              heat_ap = BOUNDARY_HEAT_FLUX(f, t);   
              heat_flux_ap= fabs(heat_ap /area_ap);
              Message(" heat_flux_ap=  %g \n", heat_flux_ap);

            if ( heat_flux_ap >= 12100000)  
              mflux_ap = (heat_flux_ap * 0.0000004082) + 0.4538;
              mflux_ap = 5.39302;

              F_PROFILE(f, t, i) = mflux_ap;        
          end_f_loop(f, t)

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      OK, so mass flux is a function of heat flux. How are you setting the heat flux on a massflow boundary?

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