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UDF, Fluent: Access count of iterations for “Steady Statistics”


    • nobrien

      Hello! I am using Steady Statistics in a fluent simulation, and I'd like to access those statistics in a UDF. I know I can use C_STORAGE_R(c,t,SV_U_MEAN), for example, to access the sum of values for the x-velocity at the cell 'c', but I need the mean value of that x-velocity. The udf guide says to find a scheme variable, "delta-time-sampled", to calculate the proper mean, but my simulation is steady state.  Is there a scheme variable that holds onto the number of iterations that was sampled to produce the values held in SV_*_MEAN variables? Thanks!

    • nobrien

      I realized that I can use that scheme variable to get the number of sampled iterations for steady-state too. Just needed to try it!

      Summary: real n_iterations_sampled = RP_Get_Real("delta-time-sampled"); mean_vel_x = C_STORAGE_R(c,t,SV_U_MEAN)/n_iterations_sampled;

      I also think this link would be helpful for others looking at this problem: https://innovationspace.ansys.com/forum/forums/topic/is-there-any-specific-procedure-to-implement-time-averaged-udf/

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