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Kampus Merdeka Belajar

Kampus Merdeka Belajar

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U-Tube Manometer Simulation

    • Welson Adi Putra Bancin

      Hello friends and colleagues. I forgot to click the hello friends and colleagues. I forgot to click the "compute" button and instead just clicked the "create" button while following the tutorial. Is there a way to remove the previous "surface name" (left-limb, etc..)? When I create a new surface name, does it automatically replace the old data? Thank you in advance

    • dzikrian.d

      Hello, Welson,

      Regarding whether there is any way to remove the previous "surface name" (left-limb, etc.), you can delete it by expanding the surfaces under the results tree. then, find the surfaces that you want to delete. I hope it can be helpful for you.

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