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Typo in Leeds Contact module code?


    • seijieng
      In Rocky 2025 R1 for the Leeds Contact module, the equation in the module manual doesn't match the source code downloaded from the modules add-on. In the code, s_dot rather than sqrt(s_dot) is used.
      Equation 16-7 
      F = 2*eta*sqrt(m*K*s_dot)
      double damping_coefficient = leeds_material_interaction.damping_ratio * 2.0 * sqrt(equivalent_mass * elastic_stiffness);
      damping_force = damping_coefficient * (overlap - previous_overlap) / contact.get_timestep();
    • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
      Ansys Employee



      there is a typo in the documentation. It will be corrected, thanks. The equation 16-7 should be as it is in the source code. 

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