

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

TurrobGrid Secondary Flow Path Interfaces Issue

    • PawJan

      Hello everyone,
      I haven't found any related post to that problem, so decided to create a new one.
      I am working on axial compressor in Turbogird. I try to create secondary flow system (cavities for stators). After inputing cavity CAD , creating entity and assigning names I have a problem with cavity inlet and outlet definition. Normally, under geometry branch, you define boundary conditions for the cavity (wall, hub/shroud interface). Then, if the cavity inlet/outlet is in the inlet/outlet domain you click "automatically manage opening region" and it's automatically cut to corresponding interfaces that can be later managed in CFX. Here I have a tight space with only passage inlet/outlet region. When I try to do the same as above, the following error occurs : " Region AUTOINTERFACETE2D both points lie in the blade passage". When I move the passage outlet before the cavity outlet, there is no error, the automatic region in hub tab is created, however under 3Dmesh branch there is no corresponding region created - so I cannot use it later in CFX! (and there is nothing between passage outlet and geometry outline)
      I think I tried all the solutions that came to my head - played around with geometries, but no success.
      Does anyone have an idea what might be the issue?

    • rfblumen
      Ansys Employee

      The message " Region AUTOINTERFACETE2D both points lie in the blade passage" means that the interface in TurboGrid is being specified inside the blade passage mesh block and not in the outlet mesh block.  Moving the points to the outlet block will resolve this issue (as you've found).  

      One possible reason why there is no region created is that the Outlet Domain check box (under Mesh Data) is unchecked.  If that doesn't resolve the issue, I would submit this to Ansys Support.


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