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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

TUI commands for Fluent Macroscopic Particle Model

    • desouzadacosta


      Can the experts tell how to access the TUI commands for the Fluent MPM model ? Unfortunatelly the documentation does not cover that detail.

      Perusing the corresponding mpm addon.bin I found some variables, such as listed below :

      (mpm-libname mpm-udf udf string-append mpm-create-mode? 
      quote boolean edit-inj-name ti-cmd-silent? ti-cmd silent? s? args cmd with-output-to-string 
      ti-menu-load-string format for-each var make-new-rpvar mpm? mpm-inj-data list mpm-use-bsp? 
      mpm-use-display-injection? mpm-display-out? mpm-use-soft-collision? mpm-injection-name string 
      mpm-inertial-momentum-factor real mpm-udm-offset integer mpm-use-markers-on-sphere? 
      mpm-max-number-of-points-on-sphere mpm-report-surface-area-ratio? 
      mpm-surface-area-option mpm-domain-extents real-list mpm-track-inter-contphase? 
      mpm-solve-temperature? mpm-orig-force-formulation? mpm-track-part-timesteps mpm-track-wt-fixvel 
      mpm-track-zones integer-list mpm-drag-nodrag? mpm-drag-default? mpm-drag-morsi? mpm-drag-constant? ....et cetera

      My question is how to setup those variables.

      Any expert advice is very very  welcome.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Those are all Scheme level commands as the model is an add on feature that (mis)uses other elements of the code. As with some of the other add on modules there are no TUI commands available. 

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